Today is February 14 and it’s truly beautiful outside. I mean it, this million-shades of grey landscape is awesome. I feel at home with it. Large snowflakes falling, everything is white and clean. Not freezing cold. Not brown dirty. Just white. You can see not more than 500 meters ahead of you and after that all is just plain white.
It’s like Winterfell of Game of Thrones. And I enjoy it that way.
What I don’t like is that such a beauty is very fragile and will dissapear next week, most likely. Russian winters are not harsh, really. But they are, nonetheless, very hard for people. Weather can change constantly from -20 to +10 and it happens a lot between December and February, sometimes March.
But after all, miracle happens. Sun! Last time I saw it a month ago (no kidding) so that is definitely a day worth posting about.
Happy Thursday to all of you!